Proof'd - Test Everything

Test everything, for every release, with the team you have, starting with the next release.

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Proof'd removes the manual effort from automated UI testing. Allowing you to focus on improving quality instead of just generating tests.

Proof'd is a SaaS automated testing platform for web and cloud apps. There's nothing to install and no need to change your app. Get started in a couple of minutes.

Want to tell us why Proof'd could never work for you? Let's find time to chat.

Make Quality your unfair competitive advantage

Want to make quality a competitive advantage for your team? Avoid the 3 Myths of Automated Testing and learn how to turn quality into a competitive advantage.

View a demo of Proof'd

Amazing software quality starts with Proof'd. Watch this 10-minute demo to learn how testers quickly automate their testing.

In this 10-minute demo of Proof'd, you'll see

  • How quickly you will see results with Proof'd
  • How to test at scale with Proof'd

Better approach, better results

Think meaningful change in automated testing is impossible? Read the 3 Myths of Automated Software Testing to learn why existing tools haven't made a difference.

not effort

A few more automated tests isn't the solution to your quality problem. With Proof'd, you can focus on results, not effort.

Low overhead testing

You don't need a complicated development process to create bugs. With Proof'd, you won't need one to catch them either.

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