Proof'd Features

Integrate into your workflow

Proof'd integrates into your CI/CD pipeline. Start scans via webhooks. Test continuously.

circleci jenkins teamcity traisci

Technology Agnostic

Proof'd works with any web or cloud app, regardless of its tech stack or front-end library.

react vue angular

Proof'd - App Overview

Cross browser, desktop and mobile

Proof'd supports Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on desktop and simulated mobile devices.

Quickly see test results for all browsers and devices in the App Overview page.

chrome safari firefox

Eliminate test creation and maintenance with Robotic Exploratory Testing

Tell Proof'd where you want to start, and it crawls your application, automatically discovering every element and every view. Proof'd then monitors every element for changes.

Proofd's proprietary algorithm identifies every page element uniquely and can recognize them even if they change. No more broken tests because a selector or XPath is no longer valid.

Once Proof'd maps your application, use a simple drag and drop interface to define specific Paths for Proof'd to follow.

Learn more about Robotic Exploratory Testing

Proof'd - Scan Results
Proof'd - Change Review

Functional and visual testing

Proof'd looks for changes in the app's appearence and behavior with precision and interprets them the same way you would. Its AI brain ignores variations that do not result in a visual or functional difference.

Each app under test can have its own change relevance threshold. Raise the threshold to focus on only changes that are likely to be serious bugs. Lower it to see more changes.

When Proof'd finds a change that meets your threshold, it prompts you to indicate if the change is intentional, a mistake, or if both behaviors are correct.

Proof'd captures video of every Scan, allowing you to see each step Proof'd takes through your app.

Test Data Management

Proof'd removes the pain associated with creating and using test data. Proof'd automatically associates test data with UI elements - there's no need to worry about IDs or selectors. Proof'd handles it for you.

Provide specific values or use Dynamic Dataset Data to generate unique test data for each scan. Test data is organized into datasets. Scan your app with multiple datasets to ensure all features are covered.

Proof'd - Test Data
Proof'd - Alerts

Issue Management, Notifications, and Reporting

When Proof'd finds changes, it not only displays them in the app, it can notify via email or Slack. These notifications allow you to use Scheduled Scans to put Proof'd on cruise control, and only log in when there is something to be done.

Proof'd opens issues in your issue tracking app with single click.

Proof'd integrates with the tools you're already using.

slack github jira

Proof'd API

Want to test something other than cloud and web apps? No problem. Push the content you would like to analyze up to the Proof'd API and then view the changes just as you would with web and cloud apps.

With Proof'd, I'm able to focus on recent changes. Proof'd will let me know if there are any bugs in existing features.

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